
This component provides a simple list of all applications available as well as, for each application a list of models they provide. Optionally, it can also provide an "Add" and a "List" link for each of these models.

Example usage

## route.js

  model() {
    return [
        name: 'sales',
        models: [
            singular: 'category',
            name: 'categories'
          }, {
            singular: 'product',
            name: 'products'
      }, {
        name: 'accounting',
        models: [
            singular: 'invoice',
            name: 'invoices'

## template.hbs

{{app-dashboard model=model}}


Option Required? Default Description
model No undefined List of applications and models to render. If not provided, app-dashboard will use ember-cli-dynamic-model to fetch the information from the api.
changeListRoute No undefined The base route to use for model lists. This route will receive 2 parameters app_name and model_name like 'sales' and 'category'
changeFormRoute No undefined The base route to use for model forms (add). This route will receive 3 parameters app_name, model_name and 'new' like 'sales', 'category' and 'new'
appRoute No undefined The base route that lists models for a single application
only No undefined If specified, only shows the model of the application which's name matches only