
Actions can be performed either in bulk or per-record mode. There are 3 kinds of actions supported: download, request and modelMethod.

Action options common to all actions

Option Required Default Description
type Yes The type of action this represents. See action types
text Yes The "human readable name" of the action. It will be printed on the action button in change-form's and will be used a button title in change-list's
icon_class Yes The icon class of the icon used on the action button.
btn_class No 'btn btn-default' The class that should be used on the action button.
position No undefined The index of the action. Specify if you want actions to be shown in a specific order
allowBulk No false Only for custom_action's. When this is true, the action will also be available as a bulk_action. A download custom_action cannot allowBulk (you need to create a separate bulk_action for it).
display_condition No undefined A pojo describing the conditions under which this action should be displayed. See Condition options
disable_condition No undefined A pojo describing the conditions under which this action should be disabled. See Condition options

Action types


Download actions can be either custom or bulk but not both at the same time (a click on a link will only dosnload a single file. Bulk download is a different url than custom_action download and usualy yield an archive file)

Options specific to download actions

Option Required? Default Description
url Yes The url to use to perform the action. For download custom_action's, the placeholder :id will be substituted by the record's id. For download bulk_action's, the id's of selected records will be passed in as a GET parameter ids[].

Link action is used to create a link to another page (ie: a custom view)

Option Required? Default Description
url Yes The url to use to perform the action. The placeholder :id will be substituted by the record's id.
openInSame No undefined A boolean value indicating if the link should be open in the same tab (when true) or a new one.


Request actions can be custom, bulk or both. A request action represents a call made to the backend (api or other)

Options specific to request actions

Option Required? Default Description
url Yes The url to use to perform the action. The placeholder :id will be substituted by the record's id.
verb Yes The verb (POST, GET, OPTIONS, ...) used for the request.
pushPayload No false A boolean representing wether or not the reply to the request will conatin data that should be loaded in Ember data's store using pushPayload.


ModelMethod action can also be custom, bulk or both; they represent a method call made on the frontend model.

Options specific to modelMethod actions

Option Required? Default Description
method Yes The name of the method that should be called on the model.