
Widgets provided by ember-cli-crudities come in 4 forms:

Options common to all widgets

Option Required? Default Description
name Yes (except for fieldset and tabset) The fieldname of the field this widgets represents
widget No 'text' The type of widget used to represent the field
label No name The label used for the field
class No undefined The classnames associated with the div surrounding the widget
extra No {} Pojo containing options specific to a type of widget (mentioned further down this page as Extras for widget)
readonly No false Whether the content of the widget is readonly or not

Extras common to all widgets

Option Required? Default Sample value Description
display_condition No undefined { type: 'unless', operator: 'eq', property_path: 'product_type', value: 'p', required: true } A pojo describing the conditions under which this field should be displayed (see here-under for details about this object)

Display_condition options

Also used for other condition expressions

Option Required? Default Description
type No 'if' The type of condition, valid types are 'if' and 'unless'
operator Yes The operator used to compute the condition, see here-under for a list of valid operators
property_path Yes A fully dotted path leading to a field from the current record.
value Yes The value to which the field specified by property_path will be compared to

Display_condition operators

Operator Meaning
'eq' field_content === display_condition.value
'not-eq' field_content !== display_condition.value
'gt' field_content > display_condition.value
'gte' field_content >= display_condition.value
'lt' field_content < display_condition.value
'lte' field_content <= display_condition.value
'in' field_content in supplied array display_condition.value
'not-in' field_content not in supplied array display_condition.value
'empty' result of calling Ember.isEmpty on field_content
'not-empty' inversed result of calling Ember.isEmpty on field_content


A fieldset, a its name hints, represents a set of fields. It can have a label and can itself include other fieldsets as fields.

Options specific to fieldset

Option Required? Default Description
fields Yes The list of fields this widget contains
innerClass No 'col-xs-12 row' The default classnames used for each field inside this fieldset. Each field can override this by providing its own class option


A tabset is a set of tabs, each tab having a label and at least one field.

Options specific to tabset

Option Required? Default Description
tabs Yes A set of tabs. Each tab having a required label will behave as a fieldset

Field widgets

Options common to all field widgets

Option Required? Default Description
horiClass No 'col-sm-3' The class used for the field's label
inputClass No 'col-sm-9' The class used for the field's input
readonly No false whether or not the field should be displayed readonly
placeholder No undefined A placeholder displayed inside the input
required No false Whether this field is required or not
translated No false Whether this field should be tranlatable in change-form's (requires the change-form to be supplied with a languages option)


A simple input field


A simple HTML5 url field


A simple HTML5 number field


A simple HTML5 color field


A simple HTML5 email field


A simple HTML5 telephone field


A simple HTML5 date field


A simple HTML5 time field


A widget to input time durations. It converts human-readable times into seconds.

By default the duration widget is debounced by 500 miliseconds as eg 3: is not a valid representation of time. This should give users enough time to input full times.

Extras for duration

Option Required? Default Sample value Description
withSeconds No false true Whether or not the duration widget should display seconds.
debounce No 500 750 Duration of the debounce in ms


A simple HTML5 datetime field


A simple HTML5 month field


A simple HTML5 week field


A textarea field

Extras for textarea

Option Required? Default Sample value Description
rows No 4 7 The value passed to the rows attribute of the textarea


A textarea field with a markdown preview

Extras for markdown

Option Required? Default Sample value Description
rows No 4 7 The value passed to the rows attribute of the textarea. Will also be used to compute the height of the preview mode.
sideBySide No false true If set to true the markdown widget will be rendered in "sideBySide" mode with the result on the left and textarea on the right.


A checkbox field


A dropdown field

Extras for select

Option Required? Default Sample value Description
choices Yes [{label: 'one', value: 1}] A list of label/value pairs representing the options of the dropdown
allowOther No false true If set to true this widget will propose an Other option. When selected a text input field will be rendered next to the original widget to allow entering a custom value.


A file field (will be base64-encoded to send to the api)

Extras for file

Option Required? Default Sample value Description
clearable No false true Whether or not the file should be removable or not


A file field with an image preview (will be base64-encoded to senf to the api)

Extras for image

Option Required? Default Sample value Description
clearable No false true Whether or not the file should be removable or not
width No '175px' '100%' The maximum width of the preview
height No '175px' '350px' The maximum height of the preview
tnWidth No '75px' '50px' The maximum width of the preview in readonly mode (usualy used in change-list)
tnHeight No '75px' '100px' The maximum height of the preview in readonly mode (usualy used in change-list)


A widget representing a belongsTo relationship.

Extras for foreignkey

Option Required? Default Sample value Description
related_model If property_path is not given undefined 'sales/category' The model name of the related model of the belongsTo relationship
query No undefined {is_active: true} A pojo representing the parameters to perform a query against the api if using related_model. When using property_path or search='simple', this pojo will be used to filter against the resulting content.
property_path If related_model is not given undefined 'employees' A fully dotted path leading to a collection of records from the current record. (ie: on a model with a hasMany to a model called employees and a belongsTo to the same model called favourite, 'employees' could be used as property_path on the foreignkey representing favourite)
label No '__str__' 'title' Name of the field on the related model used to display choices labels.
autoComplete No false true If enabled a searchbox will allow for auto-complete search inside the foreign-key drop-down
search No 'backend' 'simple' If set to 'simple' and autocomplete is enable, instead of querying the backend, search will happen by filtering results on the related model's label field. You should always use simple search with property_path.
dynamicFilters No undefined A list of filter pojo's (see below) A set of dynamic filters to be applied to list of available value depending on the value of another field.
allowClearRequired No undefined true When true user will be allowed to clear value of required field
autoSetUnique No undefined true When true value will be auto-selected when there is only one choice available
isRelation No undefined true Only used for widgets defining a filter_field: When true, this widget will be considered as a relationship instead of a value
filterValueField No 'id' 'name' Only used for widgets defining a filter_field: By default, the 'id' of related models is used for queries to the backend. This can be altered by this field

Dynamic filter pojo structure

property Required? Sample value Description
property_path Yes 'country.id' The fully-qualified dotted path to the property (on the current model) that wil be used to filter the available chocies.
filter If the widget is using related_model 'country_id' The name of the parameter that will be populated when executing the query to the backend.
remote_property_path If the widget is using property_path or search='simple' 'city.country.id' The fully-qualified dotted pathe to the property (on the model shown in the dropdown) that will be compared against.


A dual list (available/selected) representing a many-to-many relationship towards another model.

Extras for manytomany-lists

Option Required? Default Sample value Description
related_model If property_path is not given undefined 'sales/category' The model name of the related model of the belongsTo relationship
query No undefined {is_active: true} A pojo representing the parameters to perform a query against the api. (Only works with related_model)
property_path If related_model is not given undefined 'employees' A fully dotted path leading to a collection of records from the current record. (ie: on a model with a hasMany to a model called employees and a belongsTo to the same model called favourite, 'employees' could be used as property_path on the foreignkey representing favourite)
label No '__str__' 'title' Name of the field on the related model used to display choices labels.
dynamicFilters No undefined A list of filter pojo's (see Dynamic filter pojo structure above) A set of dynamic filters to be applied to list of available value depending on the value of another field.


A multi-select (checkboxes) dropdown representing a many-to-many relationship towards another model.

Extras for manytomany-lists

Option Required? Default Sample value Description
related_model If property_path is not given undefined 'sales/category' The model name of the related model of the belongsTo relationship
query No undefined {is_active: true} A pojo representing the parameters to perform a query against the api. (Only works with related_model)
property_path If related_model is not given undefined 'employees' A fully dotted path leading to a collection of records from the current record.
label No '__str__' 'title' Name of the field on the related model used to display choices labels.
autoComplete No false true If enabled a searchbox will allow for auto-complete search inside the foreign-key drop-down
search No 'backend' 'simple' If set to 'simple' and autocomplete is enable, instead of querying the backend, search will happen by filtering results on the related model's label field. You should always use simple search with property_path.
dynamicFilters No undefined A list of filter pojo's (see Dynamic filter pojo structure above) A set of dynamic filters to be applied to list of available value depending on the value of another field.

Collection widgets

Collection widgets are used to represent a collection of records as in hasMany relationships. By default, the conditional formatting associated to the target modelis picked up.

Options common to all collection widgets

Option Required? Default Description
fields Yes A list of fields to be displayed in the related-model form

Extras common to all collection widgets

Option Required? Default Sample value Description
related_model Yes 'sales/category' The fully qualified model name to which records in this collection belong to


A sliding "carousel" representing a collection of records


A table representing a collection of records. Quite similar to change-list.

Extras for tomany-table

Option Required? Default Sample value Description
sortableBy No undefined 'position' The name of the field used to order records of the relationship. If this option is present, handles will be shown on the left of each record row, allowing to reorder the list
allowOpen No false true When true each record line will be editable "in full"; this is done by providing a pencil icon at the end of each record line, clicking that icon will open a popup with a full form for the record